Mexican Omelette

chorizo mexican omelette

I had a hard time deciding what to call this recipe. It’s not really a frittata, often associated with Italy, but also means the eggs are beaten to a fluffy consistency. These weren’t. Then there’s the Spanish tortilla, which is an onion, potato, egg mixture. This really isn’t that either. So I figured I’d close my eyes, so to speak, and pick a name right down the center. Omelette, it is– even though it’s not an omelette in the traditional preparation, it’s just baked, no fancy flipping or multiple pan action needed.


  • 1 lb fresh chorizo, casing removed
  • 1 red onion, diced
  • 2 poblano peppers, chopped
  • 1 sweet potato, chopped (I was lazy and left the skin on, couldn’t tell the difference)
  • 6 oz. mushrooms, chopped
  • 8 eggs
  • avocado slices


In an oven safe saute pan, heat it up to medium high. Preheat your oven to 400ºF. Add the sausage to the pan and let it brown–making sure you crumble it into nice size pieces as it cooks. Toss in the rest of the ingredients (minus the eggs) and let them cook through and soften, about 10 minutes. Stir everything around every once in a while as to not let anybody burn.

In a medium bowl, thoroughly whisk the eggs together with about a ½ t of salt. Salt helps the egg proteins not bind too tightly together, so they won’t get too rubbery. Pour the eggs over the chorizo/veggie mixture and stir everything around to incorporate. The egg will start to cook a bit and that’s what you want to see.

Toss the pan into the oven and let it go until the eggs have set to your desired likeness. I like mine a tad underdone. Mine went for about 6 minutes, so start it checking then by pressing your hand onto the top of the omelette. It should feel firm.

Remove the pan from oven, slice and serve with some avocado slices.


3 responses to “Mexican Omelette”

  1. Looks great. I really like the idea of making an omelet in an oven safe pan. Takes some of the work out of it and gives some time to get other things ready. This seems like it could be easily adapted to a lot of other themes too like Italian style, steak and spinach, etc

  2. Basically anything fried in an iron skillet, covered in eggs and then baked is going to be fantastic.

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