This is Health-Bent 3.0.
We have finally gotten settled into our new home and are ready to get back to business. Meg has been hard at work creating this design and we’re very excited about it. There are probably still some kinks to work out but all in all - things should be working. Check out our new visual “Recipe” menu in the navigation bar.
With this new design we are going to bring back the t-shirts and we have other aspirations we hope will materialize in the near future.
We want to thank everyone that supports and follows us. We don’t know exactly where we are headed but we do know that we are going to continue to provide recipes that we love (for free) in hopes that you’ll love them too.
We won’t just post any marginal recipe…only the home runs…as subjective as that may be. We want you to be able to trust that if you see a recipe here it means Meg and I fought over the leftovers (if there were any).
We know that this lifestyle of eating fresh and healthy (and grain free) can really be a pain in the a$$ sometimes.
The new theme is all about the dedication and fortitude it takes to not settle for less.
Stay Health-Bent.  Light A Fire.
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